Our school is situated in a historical suburb of Athens, Kaisariani, offering quality vocational education and training, since 1977.
Several thousand students have acquired a skilled and have completed their basic education, by selecting one of the professions that our school offers.
The departments operate this year in our school unit are:
A. Mechanical engineering, that offers three subareas.
- Automotive Technicians
- Thermal and Sanitary Technicians
B. Electrical Technicians in buldings
C. Electronics, Computer & network Technicians
D. Computer Science and programming
E. Economics-Management
F. Cosmetics
G. Applied Arts
Over 260 students and 40 permanent teachers are daily on the premises of our school, battling for the right to knowledge.
In the last four years our school made its first steps in the European Community programmes, with participation in “e-Twinning” with the project “North to South. One Europe, how many cultures?” that took place in 2012-2013 and in “Erasmus+”, KA2, Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices, Strategic Partnerships, with three projects that some are still running:
Short description of the e-VET project:
This project includes the staff (VET trainers, learners, vocational teachers, special education teachers, guidance teachers, counsellors, administrators, experts, representatives of labour market responsible on giving guidance at work) of seven participating institutions from Turkey, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Greece and Bulgaria. Partner institutions from the different regions all over Europe are really keen on taking advantage of the possible results of e-VET project and good practices implemented across Europe, related to Vocational English. Aim of the project is to create a collaborative network between the organizations of the partnership to be more equipped with a high level knowledge on educating and guiding teachers, learners in vocational schools, companies to exchange experiments, good practices to learn from each other with purpose of being equipped on Vocational English.
Short description of the Mega-VET project:
Gamification is the process of using game mechanics and game thinking in non-gaming contexts to engage users and to solve problems and increase users’ self contributions. Gamification allows learners to have fun while attaining information, and encourages them to share that information with their peers.
In the direction of the definition above, we are really keen on generating an innovative online and/or offline gamified-based applications concerning electrics technology, called “Move to Enhance Gamified Applications”.
Through the MegaVET, we pay strict attention to;
– blend game-based technology which is being excessively used by the students and teachers at these days of 21st century when game madness has become highly popular at all levels of society, with the teaching and learning system available.
– make the education and training period more enjoyable and meaningful via the game mechanisms ( problem, narration, rules, competition, sharing, progress, success and rewards) and dynamics ( bonuses, status, points, achievements, levels, behavioral momentum), as well.
– benefit from the today’s popular trend ‘Flipped classroom’ being a form of blended learning which enables the students to learn content online by wacthing videos, short movies, video lectures, usually at home.
– include the students, of all educational background levels at VET schools to the computer-based applications helping them gain a broader understanding of gamified video contents. A special attention will be given to the creation of the main target groups, referring to homogenous and nonhomogenous target groups in an attemp to reflect the individual skills during the interactive courses.
– to lower the number of the students who drop out of the schools across Europe. Because one of the early school leaving reasons is that the instructional strategies are being used without regard to individual student learning styles.
“Values in Peace, VIP”.https://vipvalues.cibervoluntarios.org/
VIP Values is an innovative and pioneering project, which aims to raise awareness about the issue of young refugees and immigrants in the European Union and the possibilities offered by ICTs to improve their situation. Our school is very proud to be part of the great effort, happy to share this knowledge and meet all these interesting people.
This project will also make visible the potential of technological advancement, promoting an accurate image of the reality of these young people at risk of exclusion and the strategies that are being carried out both by them and by the volunteers and trainers and workers who lend them help, assistance, etc. to improve this situation. Based on the previous experience as well as the day to day of the entities that work in these areas, this project is based on an idea that is already underway in Spain at the national level, the project “ICT for Peace”, which can now grow and extend its reach to an expected number of 1500 people, taking this proven methodology to other countries and young people, thus promoting European culture, international ties & the exchange of ideas.