Values In Peace project

Erasmus+ KA2

To πρότζεκτ VIP Values είναι ένα καινοτόμο και πρωτοποριακό έργο στα πλαίσια του Erasmus+ KA2, το οποίο στοχεύει στην ενημέρωση κι ευαισθητοποίηση όλων γύρω από τα προβλήματα που αφορούν τους νεαρούς πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και τις δυνατότητες που προσφέρει η Πληροφορική για να υποστηρίξει τα πρώτα βήματά τους και να βελτιώσει την κατάστασή τους.

Το σχολείο μας είναι πολύ περήφανο που βρέθηκε μέλος αυτής της προσπάθειας και είμαστε όλοι πολύ χαρούμενοι που μοιραζόμαστε την προσπάθεια και την γνώση για ένα θετικό σκοπό και συναντήσαμε στο ταξίδι μας όλους αυτούς τους ενδιαφέροντες ανθρώπους, που σκοπός τους είναι να προσφέρουν σε αυτούς που υποφέρουν χωρίς να ευθύνονται.

Και μόνο η ιστορία της πατρίδας μας που είναι γεμάτη από ξεριζωμούς αλλά κι ιδιαίτερα της πόλης της Καισαριανής, ενός δήμου που γεννήθηκε από πρόσφυγες πριν περίπου 100 χρόνια, μας θέτει υπόχρεους να κάνουμε ότι είναι δυνατόν από το μετερίζι μας για να υποστηρίξουμε ανθρώπους που είναι σήμερα στην θέση των παππούδων μας και των γονιών μας.

VIP Values ​​is an innovative and pioneering project, which aims to raise awareness about the issue of young refugees and immigrants in the European Union and the possibilities offered by ICTs to improve their situation. Our school is very proud to be part of the great effort, happy to share this knowledge and meet all these interesting people.

This project will also make visible the potential of technological advancement, promoting an accurate image of the reality of these young people at risk of exclusion and the strategies that are being carried out both by them and by the volunteers and trainers and workers who lend them help, assistance, etc. to improve this situation. Based on the previous experience as well as the day to day of the entities that work in these areas, this project is based on an idea that is already underway in Spain at the national level, the project “ICT for Peace”, which can now grow and extend its reach to an expected number of 1500 people, taking this proven methodology to other countries and young people, thus promoting European culture, international ties & the exchange of ideas.

Finally, the project fits with the Sustainable Development Goals, and especially with objectives 1, 10 and 16. Specifically, objective 16 (Promote societies, fair, peaceful and inclusive) is the axis around which the whole idea orbits, seeking to reduce discrimination, violation of rights and exclusion of young immigrants and refugees, and to do so through, through and thanks to information technologies. That only emphasizes the need for the project to be conceived transnationally, to help bridge a gap that is presented transversally, and that coexists with other inequalities between territories.


The project wants to make its beneficiaries its protagonists, strengthen their role as agents of change and essential actors in the peace process necessary to improve their situation in Europe. In this way, VIP Values ​​will focus on two main lines:

1) Highlight the problem of refugees

2) Recognize and value the technological tools that help integrate young refugees/immigrants. This means that volunteering, the use of technologies and peace are the three main aspects in this project.

To do this, the expected results:

  • Local pilots: an example of how they get young refugees and local people involved in the actions. This will allow all partners to know different practices that may be applicable in their respective countries
  • Catalog or guide of good practices  and innovative solutions. Soon available for free download.
  • Training of youth workers: That already took place in Madrid for a week, last February 2019.


THE TRAINING. From 08.02 to 14.02 2019 volunteers from all the partners gathered in Madrid,Spain in order to get trained by the Cybervolunteers Foundation, our coordinator and share their expiriences from countries and areas that are inside the eye of cyclon. We have choosen three young people, one student in Social Care, a refugee from Africa that’s also a volunteer and an journalist that’s also an activist. They came back with an open mind.

On training
Greek team presents our workshop

GOOD PRACTICES. Each partner shared 5 interesting cases that happened in each country or he’s familiar with, that can be used free all over Europe in order to support young refugees/immigrants but also volunteers. Soon available for free download.

LOCAL PILOTS. One day workshop that all the material produced and shared from and to the partners will be presented to sensitive groups -students, volunteers, refugees & immigrants- and evaluated. In Greece, will took place at the 30th of September 2019, in our school. Read more.

More about the project at


Αυτή η εικόνα δεν έχει ιδιότητα alt. Το όνομα του αρχείου είναι LOGO_CIBERVOLUNTARIOS.jpg

Cybervolunteers Foundation (Spain)

The Cybervolunteers Foundation is an atypical non-profit entity composed of social entrepreneurs that promotes the use and knowledge of new technologies as a means to bridge social gaps, generate social innovation and promote citizen empowerment: that is, they work to increase rights, the opportunities and capacities that each person has within their environment thanks to the social use of the tools and technological applications that are within their reach. For this they have about 1500 cyber volunteers. Curious, proactive people, eager to learn, passion for sharing and enthusiasm for ICTs that unveil the possibilities offered by their use in a useful, simple and effective way. They do well through the network, online, in person, from you to you. They direct their action to people who for reasons of gender, age, professional, educational environment, lack of material or economic resources or others are at risk of socio-digital exclusion. And they manage to adapt the use of technological applications to bridge these social gaps at work, social, participation, health.. A commitment, 15 years of experience, which without going further last year has received from the Princes of Asturias a recognition of “the creation of new forms of participation and social innovation in support of groups at risk of exclusion” and the economic and social recognition of, as one of the 50 entities that is changing the world.

More info:


Αυτή η εικόνα δεν έχει ιδιότητα alt. Το όνομα του αρχείου είναι LOGO-CULTURADEPAZ.jpg

Peace Culture Foundation (Spain)

The Culture of Peace Foundation is a non-profit organization established in 2000, with the aim of strengthening and promoting the culture of peace, implementing and implementing the Declaration and Program of Action, adopted in 1999. Its activity is mainly based on the support and development of educational, informative, reflection and action initiatives and activities on the ground that contribute to the construction and consolidation of a culture of peace through the application of the Declaration of Culture of Peace, related to the eight measures of the Program of Action: education for peace; sustainable economic and social development; democracy promotion; human rights; equality and gender; dialogue, understanding and tolerance, among peoples, races, religions; freedom of expression and access to information; and international peace and security. The Foundation carries out its activities from its headquarters in Madrid and through its two Delegations, one in Barcelona located at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and another in Santiago de Compostela, the Galician Education for Peace Seminar. And from its Center for Education and Research for Peace (CEIPAZ), which is based at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

More info: http: //


Αυτή η εικόνα δεν έχει ιδιότητα alt. Το όνομα του αρχείου είναι Pyramind_Logo.png

Pyramind services Limited (Spain)

Pyramind Services Ltd is a company highly specialized in the science and application of information, innovation and marketing systems, dedicated to the development of practical solutions and value-added services for its clients at local, regional, national and international levels. Pyramind Services’ vision is to build on our efficient integrated services business model, excellent combination of interests, skills and competencies, to create meaningful partnerships and provide high-level business guidance and strategy services to our clients, both public and private and partner with them in their business.

More Info:


Αυτή η εικόνα δεν έχει ιδιότητα alt. Το όνομα του αρχείου είναι LOGO-COOPISA.jpg

The COOPISA (Health Cooperation) association aims to collaborate with associations, cooperatives, civil protection organizations that deal with various levels of people in difficulty, in particular migrants and asylum seekers, to facilitate the implementation of measures. Welcome, protection, integration. Nonprofit, nonprofit association, carries out promotion and social utility activities, in particular with migrants and asylum seekers. Management of the following SPRAR Centers (Protection system for asylum seekers and refugees):

– Campo Calabro (RC): ordinary category.
– Sant’Alessio in Aspromonte (RC): ordinary category
– Laganadi (RC): mental discomfort category
– San Roberto (RC): vulnerable category.

in ATS with “Aster Intercultura”:

– Campo Calabro (RC): vulnerable category.
– Sant’Alessio in Aspromonte (RC): vulnerable category
– White (RC): vulnerable category 

More info:


Αυτή η εικόνα δεν έχει ιδιότητα alt. Το όνομα του αρχείου είναι ErasmusPLUS-logo-300x65.jpg